Tutor IMG: Canadian Licensing Exam Preparatory Courses for IMGs

Tutor IMG is the personification of an idea conceptualized by Dr. A. Shaukat and named by Dr. W. Jawdat. When they began this labor of love, they never imagined it would become this force that so many struggling IMG’s would identify with and draw comfort from. Tutor IMG is every IMG’s best friend, a compassionate ear, gentle guidance that makes the journey through the uncharted territory of Canadian Residency a little easier to map.

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The holistic Approach requires a team… so you will need to work together with these true professionals!

Since its inception, Tutor IMG has been providing a supportive and engaging learning environment to International Medical Graduates IMGs. Tutor IMG has been winning excellent results under the able guidance of its dedicated faculty. The highly qualified and experienced faculty is committed to helping IMGs excel in their endeavors. To See Our Team CLICK HERE!


Achieve your professional goals through our premium teaching strategy and the expert guidance…

Tutor IMG prep courses are available online to students anywhere in the world. Only Tutor IMG provides you with a combination of content review, question review, and exam simulation that leads to the highest possible score on the exam. Tutor IMG has developed comprehensive study methods with the most robust content available, including our online live tutoring. We expect our students to have recommended reading materials for reference.

To learn more about our strategy CLICK HERE

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